Oportunidades de Investigación Públicas

22-06-2024 Diseño y configuración de un MVP de un instrumento de microfluidos libre para la generación de gotas.
Ya hemos lanzado un microscopio estroboscópico de microfluidos de fabricación digital (https://wenzel-lab.github.io/strobe-enhanced-microscopy-stage/), pero muchas extensiones se encuentran aún en fase de prototipo (por ejemplo, https://github.com/wenzel-lab/modular-microfluidics-workstation-controller) y necesitan integrarse en un diseño limpio y atractivo que sea adecuado para su uso en un laboratorio de nivel 2 de seguridad biológica. También desarrollamos documentaciones detalladas para la replicación y material de formación para la enseñanza y la investigación.
Prerequisitos:  no tiene.

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 20 créditos y tiene 1/2 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma
19-12-2023 Prototipo de microscopio volumétrico para neurofisiología óptica
Estamos desarrollando una nueva clase de microscopio volumétrico para realizar neurofisiología óptica rápida y localizada de todo el cerebro del pez cebra in vivo. A diferencia de los métodos de imágenes tridimensionales existentes que sacrifican sensibilidad, resolución celular o tasa de muestreo, nuestro enfoque original para el registro volumétrico es la formación de imágenes virtuales multifocales en una sola cámara usando componentes comerciales. En este proyecto implementaremos un prototipo de dispositivo de imagen que utiliza una cavidad óptica y lentes para enfocar un arreglo de imágenes virtuales en una cámara. Las tareas del proyecto incluirán construir un sistema optomecánico, alinear los componentes y realizar pruebas experimentales. Se valora la experiencia en proyectos de hardware, diseño óptico y electrónica, aunque no es necesaria.
Prerequisitos:  no tiene.

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 10 créditos y tiene 2/4 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma
13-06-2022 Hardware libre para la deposición gotas microfluídicas
La clasificación de gotitas microfluídicas permite el manejo experimental de millones de experimentos de biología molecular en un día. Para seguir cultivando las células en gotitas, es necesario recogerlas e individualizarlas, lo que puede hacerse en una placa de pocillos o en una placa de cultivo. En este proyecto, el objetivo es desarrollar un sistema de deposición de gotas de este tipo utilizando métodos de creación de prototipos, ejemplos de la literatura y libre hardware.
Keywords:       Prototipado libre hardware
Prerequisitos:  no tiene.

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 10 créditos y tiene 1/2 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma
15-12-2021 Desarrollo de software para formatos de documentación de Open Source Hardware
Se trata de un puesto remunerado para un proyecto de desarrollo de software abierto para seguir desarrollando el editor de documentación DocuBricks (https://docubricks.com/software.jsp) y su formato estándar, especializado en instrumentación de Hardware Abierto en laboratorios científicos. El desarrollo incluye el desarrollo de un editor JS para trabajar en el marco Eletron; para crear una herramienta de conversión entre GitBuilding (https://gitbuilding.io/) y DocuBricks; así como un desarrollo de recursos GitHub. https://forum.openhardware.science/t/software-for-making-assembly-manuals/2970/20?u=tobey
Prerequisitos:  no tiene.

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 10 créditos y tiene 1/2 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma

Public Research Opportunities

22-06-2024 Design and arrangement of a MVP of an open source microfluidics instrument for pressure driven droplet generation.
We have already released a digitally-fabricated microfluidics strobe microscope (https://wenzel-lab.github.io/strobe-enhanced-microscopy-stage/) but many extensions are still at a prototyping stage (e.g. https://github.com/wenzel-lab/modular-microfluidics-workstation-controller) and need to be integrated into a clean, attractive design that is suitable for the use in a biological safety level 2 laboratory. We also develop detailed documentations for replication, and training material for teaching and research.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 1/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
19-12-2023 Volumetric Microscope Prototype for Optical Neurophysiology
We are developing a new class of volumetric microscope for fast, localized optical neurophysiology of the entire zebrafish brain in vivo. Unlike existing 3D imaging methods that sacrifice sensitivity, cellular resolution, or frame rate, our novel approach to volumetric recording utilizes multi-focal virtual image formation in a single camera using readily available commercial components. This project will focus on implementing a prototype imaging device that employs an optical cavity and lenses to project an array of virtual images onto a camera. Tasks will include building the optomechanical system, performing component alignment, and conducting experimental testing. Experience in hardware projects, optical design, and electronics is welcome but not essential.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 2/4 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
11-07-2023 Microscope setup for wide-field optical neurophysiology
We are designing an optical neurophysiology microscope to enable measurement and stimulation of neural activity in thousands of neurons in a wide field of view spanning multiple regions of the murine brain. In this project we will plan and build the necessary hardware to integrate essential components of a custom microscope, including a camera, fluorescence filters, an array of micromirrors, light sources, among others. Tasks in this project will include designing mechanical installations, integrating mechanical, electronic and optical systems, and component alignment. Experience in mechanical design, 3D printing, optical design, hardware and electronics projects is welcome but not required
Keywords:       electrónica Hardware diseño óptico
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
11-07-2023 Construction of volumetric microscope prototype
We are developing a new class of volumetric microscope to enable fast, localized optical neurophysiology of the whole live zebrafish brain. Unlike existing three-dimensional imaging that compromises sensitivity, cell resolution, or framerate, our original approach to volumetric recording is multi-focal virtual image formation in a single camera using commercial components. In this project we will implement a prototype imaging device that uses an optical cavity to generate virtual arrays of images in a camera. Tasks in the project will include to build an optomechanical system, perform basic alignment, and experimental testing. Experience in hardware projects, optical design, and electronics is welcome but not required.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
11-12-2022 Optimisation of an automated stage to deposit microfluidic droplets for bio applications
Microfluidic droplet sorting allows the experimental handling of millions of molecular biology experiments in one day. To further culture cells in droplets, they need to be collected and individualised, which can be done in a well plate or culture plate. In this project, the aim is to optimise such a droplet deposition system using prototyping methods, examples from the literature and software development in python.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
07-07-2022 Microscope design for wide-field optical neurophysiology
We are designing an optical neurophysiology microscope to enable measurement and stimulation of neural activity in thousands of neurons in a wide field of view spanning multiple regions of the murine brain. In this project we will plan and build the necessary hardware to integrate essential components of a custom microscope, including a camera, fluorescence filters, an array of micromirrors, light sources, among others. Tasks in this project will include designing mechanical installations, integrating mechanical, electronic and optical systems, and component alignment. Experience in mechanical design, 3D printing, optical design, hardware and electronics projects is welcome but not required
Keywords:       electrónica Hardware diseño óptico
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
06-07-2022 Construction of volumetric microscope prototype
We are developing a new class of volumetric microscope to enable fast, localized optical neurophysiology of the whole live zebrafish brain. Unlike existing three-dimensional imaging that compromises sensitivity, cell resolution, or framerate, our original approach to volumetric recording is multi-focal virtual image formation in a single camera using commercial components. In this project we will implement a prototype imaging device that uses an optical cavity to generate virtual arrays of images in a camera. Tasks in the project will include to build an optomechanical system, perform basic alignment, and experimental testing. Experience in hardware projects, optical design, and electronics is welcome but not required.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
13-06-2022 Open source hardware to deposit microfluidic droplets
Microfluidic droplet sorting allows the experimental handling of millions of molecular biology experiments in one day. To further culture cells in droplets, they need to be collected and individualised, which can be done in a well plate or in a culture plate. In this project, the aim is to develop such a droplet deposition system using prototyping methods, examples from the literature and free hardware.
Keywords:       Prototipado libre hardware
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 1/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
15-12-2021 Software development for Open Source Hardware documentation formats
This is a paid position for an open software development project to further develop the DocuBricks (https://docubricks.com/software.jsp) documentation editor and and standard format, specialised for Open Hardware instrumentation in science laboratories. The development includes developing a JS editor to work in the Eletron framework; to create a conversion tool between GitBuilding (https://gitbuilding.io/) and DocuBricks; as well as a GitHub resource development. https://forum.openhardware.science/t/software-for-making-assembly-manuals/2970/20?u=tobey
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 1/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
19-07-2021 Open Hardware for the plate-deposition of microfluidic droplets
The sorting of microfluidic droplets allows the experimental handling of millions of molecular biology experiments in a day. If cells in droplets are to be further cultivated, it is necessary to collect and individualise them, which can be done in a well-plate or on a rotating round culture plate. In this project, the aim is to develop such a droplet deposition system using prototyping methods, literature examples, and open source hardware.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
19-07-2021 Development of an open hardware based wide field computational microscope for pollen recognition
Development of a working low-cost computational wide-field microscope for honey-pollen imaging (remotely at home) and analysis of generated data with MatLab or Python. A 3D printed prototype already exsists based on the publication 'Low-cost, sub-micron resolution, wide-field computational microscopy using opensource hardware’. Students should already have basic experience with prototyping and coding.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       electrónica MRI Hardware
Prerequisites:  IEE2413 IEE2103

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/3 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform